Paper Cuts
I’m preparing for a show in Seattle this March and here are detailed images of some of the paper clothing that will be on display.
The quotes on this pair of paper of kraft paper overalls come from 1960s conservation text books.
This quote is from “Patterns from Preservation” by David Tillotson, 1969.
I used India ink applied with a Chinese calligraphy brush and a steel nib fountain pen to create this surface design. Sometimes the ink bleeds; other times, not.
The Australian duster coat contains chicken wire inspired stitching on the pockets. Quotes on this piece (not pictured) pertain to the widespread ecological disaster caused by the introduction of European rabbits.
Free-hand chicken wire stitching into paper.
Coin pocket detail in kraft paper jeans with copper rivets.
Hand stitching on tissue paper collar on 1920s factory dress. The image is a historic photo from a garment factory.